Yippee! A milestone for an amateur blogger. So far I have had zero interaction on my blog but today, 26/05/2010, I received my very first comment.
The comment was on my 'making money from the internet' article. It came from Nicole from Rent-A-Coder which offers an alternative to Elance.
I've had a quick browse through and this is definitely a site I'm adding to my arsenal. Most of my programming skill has depreciated due to lack of use and this was partly due to not being able to get any full term work in the area. This pushed computer programming into the 'hobby' arena and eventually into the 'graveyard'. Had I come across the site earlier I could have sourced jobs that could have maintained my interest and helped me improve my coding skills.
One thing is certain, I'll definitely be getting back into programming. As soon as I complete one of my 'top 3' goals, brushing up on programming will be the next goal added to replace it!
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